25,000-year-old underground pyramid discovered, not built by man

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The pyramid may have evolved organically as a result of geological processes. 

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Water and erosion may have sculpted the pyramid form over time. 

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But the exact angles and symmetry of the structure are not explained by this theory.

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An additional theory is that the pyramid was constructed by an unidentified, long-extinct culture. 

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This notion is corroborated by the pyramid's location in a secluded and uncharted region. 

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But there isn't any hard data to back up this assertion.

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Another possibility is that aliens constructed the pyramid. 

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Although there is criticism towards this notion, it is worthwhile to take into account given the size of the universe and the potential for extraterrestrial life.

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In the end, the pyramid's history and function are still unknown

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To fully explore and explain this intriguing finding, more investigation is required.

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